Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Thirst for celebrities and some more ranting

Just thinking how Rome Pride had Lady Gaga rocking it on the piano, and Budapest has ammm, nothing similar. Not that I am actually jealous for what they had, but at least some kind of proximity would have been nice.

Maybe next year?
Hopefully, because we have no international pop stars, and if the reason why is that they are damn pricey, no local celebrities are listed on the show list either. Would not it be nice though? It seriously does not need to be Gaga, I am sure there are other musicians who would gladly support Pride with their participation. For a little compensation perhaps. Hint hint.
Ammm, nevermind;)

Look at the main party, the Rainbow party on Saturday evening. I was looking, but I do not even know who the DJ is! This artist anonymousness is slightly annoying!


Noone has invited famous names? That was not important? How do we bring together politics, social change and art?

Oh, this brings me to something else. Look at this event:

Stylewalker Night. Friday 7 pm untill Saturday midnight.

I will not go into it with too much detail, but the point is that a bunch of designer clothing and/or objects shops are open  until midnight and you can shop with discounts.

That is on Friday, when secluded parties take place. Well, could not they have pushed this event a week after? I would not mind going shopping actually! AHHH damn. Nevermind.

But then this:

Stylewalker AFTERPARTY. Saturday evening.

Yup, that is the time of the Rainbow party night.

These designers, organizers of this event and shop-owners, all of them together could have been a little bit more supportive and push their programs a week later because some would actually like to participate on both events. Am I too demanding? Maybe, but that is no reason not to demand more!

Anyway. I am sure there are more important things to complain about but still...

Speaking of art and social change, they have added a photo exhibition to the Pride program, see it today and any other pride week day at LIMO CAFE, or where LIMO CAFE used to be: Belgrad Rakpart 9 at 4 pm.

Also, tonight is the free microphone night!




  1. Love your blog girl. The only thing that could top it would be with more pictures :D

  2. That is a definitely right..Photos soon..!

  3. Why local celebrities don't support gay pride? This is the key question of my main research.It is good to challenge them publicly though. Just to see how alternative they really are.
