Monday, July 4, 2011

Homophobe of the Month Award!!!

Juhej! Time of the month for name calling and ostracizing, juhuhuhu!

Look at this:

This is an event that happened last Saturday, 2nd July. The title, Hetero Felvonulas can be directly translated as The Straight Pride. Yup. You are not hallucinating. This is what is going on. No Joke. No Pun. Just a cruel fact. They thought they need another festive event to celebrate the heterosexist practices. Talking about not being aware of one's privilege. Let me quote Pam, my second most favorite character of True Blood: 'Let these people practice their constitutional rights to be total idiots!'...
Oh Pam, absolutely love her...

Another quote, when she went down on one fine Ukranian lady:

'....Lay down and think of Ukraine....'
 Ohhh, if only I could have such imaginative and actual, factual lovers!
Okay, that was off topic!

Even though their facebook event shows 555 attendees, the actual heterosexual pride only gathered about 40 people. I can not decide who among them was the most proud one, so I decided to give the award to all the people who organised the event, joint under the umbrella organisation self-titled: Vedero. Translates as: Protective Force. Find them here: I looked at their page only to find that one of their main goals is to shape Hungary into a militant country, which would allow the youth to practice 'home protecting skills'. Whatever that meant. They also claim to be not political. They only wish to protect. Protect Hungary from them heterophobes. They seriously used that as a slogan.

I hope they value the award and are not too selfish to divide it among themselves equally.

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